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Pascal Derrien Chair

Pascal Derrien is NAI member Migraine Association of Ireland's nominee to the board of NAI. Originally from France, Pascal landed on Irish shores in 1998. While he has worked in France for 8 years, he has spent most of his professional life in Ireland working for large corporations, SMES, Start Ups, Not For Profit, Charities or Social Enterprises.

Grainne Fogarty NAI Treasurer

Grainne Fogarty is NAI member The Rehab Group nominee to the board of NAI. Grainne has 25 years of experience working across the Health and Social Care Sector having originally commenced her career in Nursing. Grainne has worked across Disability services for 20 years she has managed both children's and adult services across all models including residential, respite and day services. Grainne has extensive experience in strategic planning and service development. 

Tara Smith

Tara Smith is NAI member Epilepsy Ireland's nominee to the board of NAI. Tara is the Director of Services with Epilepsy Ireland. Prior to joining Epilepsy Ireland in late 2018, Tara worked for almost 20 years at senior management level in the community & voluntary sector including community partnerships and local community development companies.

Emma Rogan

Emma Rogan is a professional working on campaigns and advocacy with the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform, Brussels, Belgium ( For the past 15+ years she has been involved in a range of capacities (volunteer and professional) with multiple sclerosis and brain health/neurological patient organisations in Ireland and Europe.

Catherine Lacey

Catherine Lacey is NAI member Acquired Brain Injury Ireland's nominee to the board of NAI. Catherine is a National Services Manager working with Acquired Brain Injury Ireland.  ABI Ireland provide specialised rehabilitation services to brain injury survivors between the ages of 18 and 65, including in assisted living, home and community settings. 

Dr Niall Pender

Dr Niall Pender is NAI member Headway's nominee to the board of NAI. Niall is currently Head of Department of Psychology and Principal Clinical Neuropsychologist at the National Neuroscience Centre, Beaumont Hospital Dublin. He is Adjunct Associate Professor in Psychology at Trinity College Dublin and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Gillian Murphy

Gillian Murphy is NAI member Enable Ireland's nominee to the board of NAI. Gillian has worked with Enable Ireland for 15 years and is currently their Communications & Marketing Manager where she has responsible for all internal and external communications across the organisation. Gillian is also a member of Enable Ireland's National Services Forum, whose role it is to lead and influence the implementation of the strategic direction of Enable Ireland services in line with its core values.

Alison Cotter Vice Chair

Alison Cotter is NAI member Multiple Sclerosis of Ireland's nominee to the board of NAI. Alison is a graduate of Law and Business at the University of Galway, has been with MS Ireland as their Advocacy and Research Officer since May of 2022. Alison has previous experience within the Houses of the Oireachtas and has remained active in the political space since 2019 where she developed a passion for patient advocacy,.